We had lunch at Tramontana, one of our favorite places to go--with a Passbook coupon--for an elegant lunch, then out to North Park mall for an indoor stroll.
Other errands took us to Whole Foods for KERA day, and it was in the Whole Foods parking lot that we heard the good news on the radio that Al Franken had finally won his Senate seat!
The pictures above were taken on December 2, 2005, when Air America Radio was broadcast live from the late lamented original Hard Rock Cafe on McKinney Ave., and Al Franken was there to sell his book The Truth with Jokes. Linda bought that book for James as an early Christmas present, and he got it autographed. Linda brought her copy of Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, and Mr. Franken was kind enough to autograph that one, too.
That day, we were recognized by one of Air America's organizers ("Hey, aren't you actors?") and bumped to the front of the line!
We took it as an especially good omen that the election was decided on our anniversary, and wish Senator Franken the best of luck in his new job.
(After that, we went to a re-election party for Judge Tina Yoo, and a campaign kick-off party for Cass Callaway, both of which took place in the same place, Ojeda's on Maple Ave).
For many reasons, our 19th anniversary will stand out as one of the most memorable!
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